Water & Sewer Services
Water, Sewer and Garbage are all provided by the City of Casselton Public Works Department. The charge for these services is combined on one utility bill which is due the 10th of the month.
The City offers an automatic payment plan for your City utility bill. Download the automatic payment form PDF and return the completed form to the Casselton City Auditor. The document authorizes the City to automatically withdraw your water bill amount from your checking or savings account. The funds are taken out on the 10th of every month. About 49% of all homes and businesses participate in this plan. A utility bill will still be mailed each month to show usage and amount to be withdrawn.
After Hours Water Emergency Contact
If you have a water emergency after regular business hours or on weekends please call
701-793-0466. The City of Casselton has someone on call at all times.
Water Rates
New residents are required to remit a $150.00 water deposit within 5 business days of leasing or taking ownership. This deposit is credited back to the account after 1 year of on-time payments.
$21.00 – 2,000 gallons (minimum charge)
$9.00 – Each 1,000 gallons over minimum.
$11.00 – Each 1,000 gallons over minimum if residential monthly usage is over 8,000 gallons.
$26.86 “Vacation rate” applies to those homes that will be vacant for 2 full utility billing cycles if there is no water usage and the resident notifies the auditor before leaving for vacation.
Sewer Surcharge
$23.86 is billed to all users to pay for the sewer improvement project of 2013. This surcharge is used to pay the bond through 2033.
Sewer Residential
$18.46 – If previous year’s average is less than 3,600 gallons per month.
$27.76 – If previous year’s average is 3,600 to 8,000 gallons per month.
$35.96 – If previous year’s average is above 8,000 gallons per month.
Sewer Commercial
Previous year’s water usage averaged, then divided by 6,000 and then multiplied by $27.76 (rounded to the dollar) equals the monthly sewage charge:
(((GalPrevYear / 12) / 6000) X 27.76)
6,000 gallons is the average residential flow per residence as determined from estimated per capita in 1996, the year of the Lagoon expansion project.
Sump Pumps
Sump pumps within the City of Casselton MUST be draining into the storm sewer system and NOT the sanitary sewer system from April 1 to October 31. This is in accordance with Ordinance #292. Violators and suspected violators will be assessed a surcharge of $100.00 per month on their sewer bill if city employees are not allowed to inspect the building within 14 days of notice. Residents with questions may call City Hall at 347-4861 or the City Shop at 347-5521.
City of Casselton Water Restriction Policy
Pursuant to Ordinance #231, the City of Casselton hereby sets its water restriction policy as follows:
Every year beginning April 15 and ending October 31 the following 3-tier water restriction policy will be in place:
Tier 1 – Watering of lawns and gardens will be limited to odd/even days matching the last digit of the house number. The only exception to this rule is newly planted or sodded lawns, which can be watered daily for the first two weeks after planting or sodding.
When determined by the Public Works Supervisor due to overly high water usage tier 2 of the policy will be put in place which would restrict watering of lawns/gardens to every 10 days matching the last digit of the house number. For example: house number 241 can only water on the 1st, 11th, 21st and 31st of the month; house number 245 can water on the 5th, 15th and the 25th of the month.
During a water emergency situation, as determined by the public works supervisor or the mayor, the following Tier 3 restrictions will go into effect:
No watering of lawns and gardens (both vegetable and floral).
No washing of vehicles, sidewalks or driveways.
Limit use of household water usage.
Changes in restriction will be communicated to the public through appropriate media outlets.
Residents not complying with the above policy will be given one verbal or written warning, after which if there is a still a violation of this policy, then the Public Works Department may disconnect water service to the user. Violators may also be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 and imprisonment not to exceed 30 days in jail or both fine and imprisonment.
High Water Usage
What can I do if the amount of water used this month seems more than a normal usage?
How to check for leaks:
1. Fix dripping faucets
2. Fix leaking or running toilets
3. Read the water meter before going to bed and then again in the morning. If the number is different water has been going through the meter.
4. Water Softener- The softener might be on recycle and bringing in water. Add salt or try turning on the bypass valve and reading meter before going to bed and again in the morning. If number isn’t different, it is probably the water softener.
Water Turn Off/Turn On Fees
Turn off/turn on water - 24 hour notice: No Charge
Turn off/turn on water - same day service: $20.00
Turn off/turn on water - after hours: $50.00
Delinquent turn on fee during normal business hours: $50.00
Delinquent turn on fee outside of normal business hours: $100.00